Safe & secure
Movement wallet
Take control of your Movement assets with complete
confidence in the Wallet ecosystem.
- Secured by your hardware wallet
- Use with the desktop, web & mobile apps
- Trusted by over 5 million customers
Send & receive your Movement with the Suite app
Suite is an app designed to work with Movement, available on desktop, web & mobile.
Coin Management
Connect your hardware wallet with Suite.
Get started
with your new Wallet
Download Suite
Download Suite now to begin the user experience or click continue in browser to use the web app.
Install the app
Install the desktop app on your computer. This step isn't necessary for web app users.
Set up your Wallet
Plug in your device and follow the steps to set up your hardware wallet right. This takes about 10 minutes.
Move your coins
You're ready to protect your crypto securely. Check our guide to learn how to transfer your assets from an exchange to your wallet.